Friday, December 23, 2011

Pregnancy Week: 23rd Week - Our little womb-explorer

Hooray! I'm on my 23rd week of pregnancy! 

Last week Wednesday 14th of December, we went to the Hospital for the FA scan. I get to see Maddox once again and to know if he is doing very well inside my tummy, the doctor said that he is physically, structure-wise oh so fine. So, I got nothing to worry about, specially that our sweet baby Maddox is sort of looking like an over-sized red prune right now as more and more skin are showing up each week.

Isn't he the cutest?

My uterus has now stretched to such unholy proportions that it almost extends up past my belly button!
We're smack in the middle of trimester two and I'm in the full swing of baby-growing. 

can feel fluttering little kicks, noticing some mild uterine contractions, but my womb-hijacker hasn't yet grown to his full-sized unholy proportions that'll leave me feeling like a pregnant whale with legs so I guess I'm still good right now.
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers