Saturday, January 14, 2012

Pregnancy Week: 25th Week - our little grower

Trimester two is nearly over, which means I have that one epic-sized final stretch of pregnancy to enjoy (and suffer through)!

So as far as my pregnancy... it's going well! I mean, I'm tired and achy, experiencing leg cramps and I get some mad heartburn... all the normal jazz. But I feel good, not much of nausea or vomiting.  I'm back to my pre-pregnancy weight and then some. Yahoo for packin' on the pounds! >>insert sarcasm here<<

What else do I have to tell you. Hmm... This time around I have cravings for soda and chocolates, 2 things that I shouldnt been eating. 

I'm in terrible need of some cute maternity clothes. I can still wiggle into some of my normal clothes, but most of the cute stuff doesn't cover my belly sufficiently. 

just (still!) 14 weeks left before I can go back to being a single-resident human... with one tiny brand-spankin' new family member on hand.