Monday, February 6, 2012

Pregnancy Week - Week 29: Maddox's Hiccups

Time has been flying, as usual! Things have been crazy busy and having a toddler to chase after really makes everything go at warp speed!

I've been feeling weird little fluttering butterflies in my belly lately, and I know it’s not just my run-of-the-mill pre-birth performance anxiety but its more of Maddox with a case of the hiccups: a fairly common occurrence at this point, due to him practicing breathing for his big birthday.

I always wondered what it would be like to be pregnant for a 2nd time. Would it be easier? Harder? How would people react to it? Would this baby be welcomed into the same kind of excitement as Mason was?

I have had a lot of guilty feelings the last few months and I need to just get this all out there.

When I was pregnant with Mason, I was over the moon excited. Like, the anticipation of this new little life growing inside of me was overwhelming. What would he look like? What personality traits would he inherit from me & from his Father? People were always asking about me and how I was doing. Asking how the baby was doing. Wanting to see pictures and hear stories of my OB appointments. I was constantly buying cute little baby things and getting gifts for my little boy - all throughout my pregnancy. 

This time? This baby? Nothing like that. Not in the slightest. Very few people ask about this child. No one asks how I'm doing or feeling. I'm not having a shower this time around, which is totally fine. But where is the celebration then??

The truth is that I feel so ridiculously guilty for being kind of oblivious to this pregnancy. Yah sure every 3-4 weeks I will check in with some updates or whatever. But it's just not the same.

I need to do a better job at acknowledging him and talking about him more. Because let it be known that I am so excited for this baby. I am just as excited as I was with Mason... only I'm a lot more reserved about it. Mainly because yes I'm busy with life and a crazy 15 month old, but also, I feel like people don't care as much or don't wanna hear me babble on about my pregnancy again.

This post is to acknowledge my love for my 2nd little boy. And to make a promise that I am just as eager to welcome him into this world as I was with his older brother.

So get ready for more baby related posts because this little guy exists and he's going to know how much we love him and are excited to meet him!!