Yep. I'm 1 week shy to full term! Crazy huh?? and I can't wait to see Maddox.! Feels like yesterday when I am announcing we are pregnant and then spilling the beans about how we're having another precious baby boy!
Maddox is nearly done baking! The countdown to my sweet lil' womb hi-jacker's eviction is closing in!
On Friday I will be visiting my OB once more and hopefully this time around he'll get to his senses and schedule me in for the CS. I mean I can't take it any longer, with all those sleepless nights, unable to touch my feet, unable to move around well, edema, hypertension, blurry vision, headache and back pain somethings got to give right?!
I have stretch far to long for this week...
if I go into labor at this point, Maddox should have fully developed lungs. My baby is now the size of a watermelon. No kidding, I looked like I swallowed one.